Yesterday I half listened to a smooth talking and, no doubt, generously remunerated HSE representative [yeah, thanks Mary Harney and B,B,Bertie for preserving the vast layers of middle management there] deftly defending the almost indefensible.
Continue reading It’s hard not to be a cynic
Author: Mark O Loughlin
Bless me Father
For I have sinned.Its been several months since my last confession, er, I mean blog post/email to you. I don’t mean to be blasphemous, rather, you can take it as a measure of my self-disgust and guilt at having neglected this particular line of communication. Excuses I have a-plenty.
I am a very bad man
Yes. You are right. I am a very bad man. I admit it.
I haven’t written, I haven’t called. Nada. For ages. Continue reading I am a very bad man
The new perennial movement: “Transient trend or adaptable style?”
Part 1 …
The what Gay?
This day last month the garden and and landscape designers association held their 19th International seminar sponsored by an Bord Bia, Bloom and, to a lesser extent amongst others, yours truly. Regular readers will remember it rather inconveniently clashed with the Ireland v Italy rugby match. Wasn’t outplaying The English only mighty?!? Thankfully the squad have a 2 week break before Wales to recover from such a bruising encounter.
I still went along though. Now that’s dedication. Here’s a bit of a summary of what it was all about.
Continue reading The new perennial movement: “Transient trend or adaptable style?”
Is It Better To Remain Silent?
And be thought a fool,
Than to speak and remove all doubt?
Here what I said to the 240 assembled GLDA seminar delegates the other day (The link to the slides I used is HERE); Continue reading Is It Better To Remain Silent?
Nobody wants our product …
Once upon a time one of the big advantages of being a self employed landscaper was the possibility of leaving a message on the mobile phone at this time of year saying ‘you’ve reached Mark of Sanctuary Landscapes/Synthetics, I’m currently abroad but will be back in action around mid February so please leave a message and I’ll get back to you on my return’. Continue reading Nobody wants our product …
I’ll Tell You What Works For Me
I’m writing this in the lobby of the International hotel in Cork (by the airport, quite a snazzy place, would certainly recommend it) whilst what can only be described as a blizzard rages outside. Thus I’m sensibly staying-put to see if its safe to drive home to Naas a bit later.
Having just done a 2 day intense ‘marketing’ type seminar it’s time to step back into the real world and maybe apply some of the learnings. My mother used to say ‘knowledge is never a burden’. It’s all very well to understand the theory but to actually apply the techniques when the phone is ringing, you’re late for the bank,you’ve to get stuff in the hardware before the job in the morning whilst chasing payments,and the next customer etc etc its easier said than done. Continue reading I’ll Tell You What Works For Me
Screw it, lets do it!
A belated happy new year to you.
The reason you have not heard from me for a while, besides demonstrating my powers of procrastination, is that I was worried that the last couple of blogs I wrote – but didn’t publish – were way too honest. Essentially I was giving out yards about NAMA, receivers, Auctioneers, banks etc. All tie wearers it occurs to me now. I was venting really. I hesitated to print strong emotions. A long story which I’ll no doubt tell in due course.
None of us are getting out of this thing called life alive
My friend and former business partner Niall died so I’ve been quite sad these last few days. After a brave, decade long, battle with a brain tumour he passed away on Friday afternoon and will be missed by all who knew him. I’m sure some readers from his email list will have crossed paths with him once upon a time. Continue reading None of us are getting out of this thing called life alive
Wealth creators, not takers
Yer man, the ex-Fianna Fáil guy, now head of the charity Goal, said on RTE news that they had over 1,000 volunteers to go help fight the spread of Ebola in West Africa.
Isn’t it incredible that so many would so selflessly risk contagion and a horrible death?
Say what you like, and I’m as cynical as they come usually, but that’s something Ireland can be proud of. Continue reading Wealth creators, not takers
Sick of having to re-invent yourself during the recession?
“Do you know what Mark?” asked P.M of XYZ Landscapes when he was in the yard a couple of years back.
“I’m sick having to keep reinventing myself in this bloody recession!” Continue reading Sick of having to re-invent yourself during the recession?
All a man needs is a library and a garden
“All a man needs is a library and a garden”
Cicero, Roman Philosopher, senator and writer of fridge magnets, which is how I know this quote.
Two things to note here. One, there’s no mention of a wife, and two, its becoming increasingly apparent, having written several blogs/emails now, that I’ve a penchant for quoting others. Continue reading All a man needs is a library and a garden